encounter stories


The message

“Once on the mountain Jesus was transfigured before them; his face shining as the sun, and his garments became white as the light. At that point the prophets Elijah and Moses appear and Jesus begins to talk to them. "

Matthew 17:2

Jesus Conversations With Moses and Elijah

One night I was reading the bible and came across this image and verse under Matthew 17:2.

I am curious to know what did Lord Jesus spoke to both of them about?

I then pray to seek Lord attention, soon Lord appear in my visions and I asked him about this part of the verse in the bible.

Lord Jesus said to me, " Moses and Elijah appear during that time because Father wants me tell them this important message. "

Lord Jesus continued said, " I told both of them to prepare for the future, the time when all creations of life shall come to an end. "

The Lord then said " Announce this message and inform everyone (living soul) on earth to be prepare for the end ...

I ask the Lord, " what does living soul means ? "

The Lord replied, " living soul are the children of God at this present time ... faithful Christian do not worries, pray and seek for me .... all shall be saved and welcomed to my new kingdom. .. "

I said, " Thank you Lord Jesus for the truth, I will do my very best to spread the news to everyone. "