encounter stories   

10  |   The End Time Revelation 

We read many people posting on internet regarding the end time event, some even predicted the dates of dooms day on earth. Many curious people are searching for videos about end of the world and some story posted on internet about children claimed saw Jesus in their dream and ask everyone about the Lord's message end of world. One night, I was praying the Rosary then I thought of asking  Lord Jesus regarding this end time events. I pray to the Lord to seek his presents. Jesus appeared in my vision and I greeted him and took this opportunity to ask about this question. 

I said to the Lord Jesus, " Many people posting news, blogs or talks about this world coming to an end, is this true? Why is this happening?  "   

Lord Jesus said, " Yes, it is written in the bible the revelation by apostle John.  "  

Lord Jesus continued, "  This world was origin creations by my Father Almighty (Jehovah), he creates many wonderful things. Therefore every creation has a time frame (life span), this time frame creations has come near to the end.  "   

" Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.

... Revelation 1:3 ESV

Lord Jesus said,  "   Before the world ends,  all Christians will  hear the sounds of trumpets from the sky. The trumpet will be sounded seven (7) times at very long note for a period of time.   This marks the end time (rapture time) has begun, this is to inform everyone living in this earth that time has run out.   There are six (6) disaster events will happen in near future.   "

As Lord Jesus speak I could see the events happening vividly projected  inside my vision and mind.

And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. " ... Matthew 24:31 ESV

Event 1 :   Great  Earth quakes  

 The first end time events starts with the great earthquake    ... click to read more

" The first end time events starts with the great earthquake that will cause earth’s core to crack open like an egg. This is the greatest earthquake ever recorded in the history of mankind and it is beyond measurable scale. This great quake will eventually shock the earth tremble fiercely and causes opening on the ground surface.  This crack open as a result of the great quake and eventually all objects on ground surface will fall into this crack opening and all mankind creations buildings, factories and homes will collapse and fall into this opening crack at very fast time.   "

"  Every creation such as lakes, mountains, canyons all beautiful scenes known to mankind will be collapsed. On the oceans, this quake will cause opening in the sea bed and all sea waters will swallowed into this opening crack beneath the sea bed.  All ships on the surface of the oceans will be dragged into this opening and many ships big or small will be destroyed by the power force of current flow. Volcano where presently active or sleeping ones will erupt where pressure build up underneath ground and lava come bursting out and destroy many lands.   "

"  This earthquake will be the longest period of time more than two (2) days, it will stop and then continuing to quake again in another time frame at various places throughout the entire world.  This quake will cause the earth's surface to shifted and the earth alignment will be totally out. The destruction will be about 80~90% of total earth destruction with the earth's surface will be totally deform and unrecognized. 

" There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. "  ... Luke 21:11 ESV  

Event 2 :   Climate changes 

Lord Jesus explained,  "  After earthquakes events, next is the abnormal climate changes       ... click to read more

Lord Jesus explained,  "  After earthquakes events, next is the abnormal climate changes, the changes of the climate starts with dark clouds emerge through the entire world.  ” 

“  There will be no sun for many months due to ashes of volcano and cloud build ups which causes the earth's atmospheric pressure unbalance between the land and skies.  "

Rapid lightning storm will appear and striking the ground and sea in many places at the same time frame. Great big typhoons will appearing everywhere at various locations and destroying anything on the earth's surface or water. Many sea shores civilizations will be affected  "

"  Raining and thunder storm appearing with ice cubes big or small sizes will fall from the sky. The ice cube will destroy any objects on the earth’s surface. Anyone hit by this ice cube rain will be injured.  "

When all these events happening many residential, commercial buildings and high rise buildings will be at risk of destruction.  Any ships on the open sea will felt the great climate changes that will make their ships or boats in great danger.   "

“  Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken... Matthew 24:29 ESV

" The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes... Joel 2:31

" And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, "  ..Luke 21:25 ESV

Event 3 :   Discernment of evil creatures, devil and demons 

death is everywhere throughout the world      ... click to read more

My heart feels heavy sadness from the event 2 and Lord Jesus further exposed the next events.

Lord Jesus said,  After first and second events the end time started, many people would have died. Some people may have survived the event, but they will encounter more scary moment.  

Death is everywhere throughout the world,  therefor evil will then crawl out from opening surface of earth from disaster 1 event. Here evil creatures, demons and devils will crawled from the ground,   their aim is to kill and eat the remaining of people whom may have survived.  

For those whom abandon me or neglected my Father will face these evils creatures demons. People who have done evil in their present live or committed a serious sin will face these evil wrath.  They will be attacked and consumed of their flesh and blood of any survivors from last two events. Screams in panic and shout out loud for help will be heard everywhere. "

Faithful Christians whom strong faith and believes in me or my Father shall then be protected by the angels assigned and thus these evil creatures will not be able to harm them.   "

" Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons "  ..1 Timothy 4:1 ESV

"And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. " .. Matthew 24:11 ESV

" And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. " ..Revelation 19:20 ESV

Event 4 :   War & Hunger

  many nations will be shortage of food chain supply and fresh water supply   ... click to read more

Lord spoke about the next event,  " After the three (3) great disasters events, many nations will be shortage of food chain supply and fresh water supply .   "

"  Those countries with stocks of food and clean water supply will be targeted by many other countries, this will rise act of plundering among other nations resources. So war broke out among the people, government and nations.  

“  Lakes or water reservoir are swallowed in the earth due to crack opens of earth surface.  ”  

Therefor people will start to rampage and killings anyone to fight for clean water and food supply. Many people’s minds will be corrupted and acts of chaotic will be the next suffering.  "

" And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. " Matthew 24:6 ESV

Event 5:     Plaque & disease

   the death bodies will carry new diseases and plague    ... click to read more

Lord Jesus vividly spoke about the fifth event, 

Millions of people will die after all the fourth events mentioned earlier, thus the death bodies will carry new diseases and plague. This deathly plague which are some air-borne and may spread quickly if rapid climate changes and strong winds will carry this disease to every where in the world.   "

Anyone whom may have come close to these death bodies will  be infected with the plague and soon their body will begin to fail. Many survivors will suffer this deadly diseases and plagues and main reason of lack of medical supplies. 

“  War and plundering from other nations of medical supplies will cause more chaos and sufferings to anyone whom survived.  "

" Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. " ..Matthew 24:28 ESV

Event 6 :   Famine     

 Jesus said,   " this is the last "  ... click to read more

I asked Lord Jesus, "  Famine means hunger, is it the same as 4th event mentioned earlier?  "

Jesus said,  "  Of all the rapture time event, this is the last disaster.  ”  

“  No, the word famine describes here is this world fill up with deadly poisonous gas into the earth's atmosphere. 

 "  These gases comes from death decaying body which releasing gases from body decomposition. This gas is poisonous to anyone whom inhale it, due to the large volume of dead bodies, these gases will rise up into the air and soon the entire earth's atmosphere.  "

"  A decaying body carrying bacteria or viruses are not the same bacteria that cause disease. 

"  Because of large volume of gases released into the Earth's atmosphere, no human or animal will survive this last event.  "

" the air you now enjoy is non-breathable as poison fill up the earth, no plants, trees, animal will survive this .."

The End

As I listens carefully to Lord's words, I felt great sadness in my heart and my tears started flowing down on my face. Lord Jesus spoke of the end with a very vivid projections in to my mind. I was very sad and cried out when Jesus explaining all the event took place.   

I said to the Lord Jesus, "  My Lord,  Father Almighty creator of this world can he undo this catastrophic event from happening?   "

Lord Jesus replied, "  No. This event was written in the ancient scriptures long time ago and there is nothing that can be undone.   "

I asked Lord,  "  what will happen to this earth after that? 

Lord Jesus explaining with soft tone and said, "  after all disaster event happening which causes the earth surface to cracks open more than 80% earth destruction.    Because of the earth magnitude which destroy earlier, this causes the earth be unable to rotate from west to east will be slowed down, the time  it will eventually STOPS moving.  The great sun will diminished eventually and becomes harden.  When sunlight is not glowing, some section of the world will be dark forever and some part of the world will some lights from the stars.  This is the end.  "

" Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. "  ..Matthew 24:44 ESV

" For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. " ..Matthew 24:7 ESV

Facing Death during the end time     

I ask Lord, "  How can we all be saved from this end time event?   "

Lord Jesus said, all brothers and sisters of Christ and non believer can still be saved through my judgement,  if they believed in me then repent before me then their sins is forgiven and be saved.  "

For those non-believer whom denied me or my Father, we cannot help anymore for time is set to give them chance to repent. However there is still time, hope and faith will lead them to their own ways and their faith.   "

" Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.  "

" Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-for all whom the Lord our God will call. "

Acts 2:38-39 NIV

The End Time Prediction

I ask Lord, "  I saw in my vision of the future, is it true that the end time shall be on the year 2023 ?  "  

Lord replied, "  Yes,  however the end time could be earlier, therefore prepare yourself.  " 

I thanked Lord Jesus for the truth about the end time.

Time is ticking very fast now  

Note:   All image posted here are for reference only.